//Function to open preview window function OpenPreviewWindow(targetPage, formName){ now = new Date; submitAction = document.frmAddMessage.action; submitTarget = document.frmAddMessage.target; //Open the window first winOpener('','preview',1,1,680,400) //Now submit form to the new window formName.action = targetPage + "?ID=" + now.getTime(); formName.target = "preview"; formName.submit(); //Reset submission formName.action = submitAction; formName.target = submitTarget; } //Function to open pop up window function winOpener(theURL, winName, scrollbars, resizable, width, height) { winFeatures = "left=" + (screen.availWidth-10-width)/2 + ",top=" + (screen.availHeight-30-height)/2 + ",scrollbars=" + scrollbars + ",resizable=" + resizable + ",width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",toolbar=0,location=0,status=1,menubar=0" window.open(theURL, winName, winFeatures); } //Function to hover button icon function overIcon(iconItem){ iconItem.style.border='1px solid #000000'; iconItem.style.backgroundColor='#CCCCCC'; } //Function to moving off button icon function outIcon(iconItem){ iconItem.style.border='1px solid #E6E7F2'; iconItem.style.backgroundColor='#E6E7F2'; } //Function to clear form function clearForm(){ if (window.confirm('WARNING: All form data will be lost!!')) { return true; } return false; }